TRE® - Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
A simple technique to release stress or tension from the body
Monthly Practice Meeting : First Tuesday of each month
Date: Tuesday April 5th
Time: 7pm - 8pm
HK$300 for public
HK$250 for Somatic Experiencing Trainees, Practitioners
and TRE® experienced “Shakers”
Hosted by Anne Cousin RSME, SEP®, TRE®
TRE® is a self-empowering tool for anyone who wants to rid themselves of stress and tension in the body.
It does not involve talking about the “story” – the body does the work, not the mind.
TRE® - Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises can reduce Stress & tension.
Bring your own yoga mat and water
TRE® is not suitable for
*people who have had abdominal surgery within last 3 months
*or people who are pregnant.
Hong Kong International Coaching Community (HKICC)
Group Mentoring Session - 7th April, 2016
Active Listening
Active Listening is a core coaching skill, yet it is so much more than just hearing the client's words.
Join this interactive group mentoring session where we will discuss those topics and practice active listening.
Facilitator/Mentor coach: Annett Blechstein
Annett has been coaching since 2010.
She is an ICF ACC Coach and holds a diploma in Coaching Supervision.
Date: Thursday, 7th April 2016
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
HK$125 for HKICC Members,
HK$250 for Guests
*This session will not count towards ICF CCEU’s or ICF mentor coaching hours.
*Registration and pre-payment required (Payment cannot be accepted on the day)
Group Mentoring Session - 7th April, 2016
Active Listening
Active Listening is a core coaching skill, yet it is so much more than just hearing the client's words.
Join this interactive group mentoring session where we will discuss those topics and practice active listening.
Facilitator/Mentor coach: Annett Blechstein
Annett has been coaching since 2010.
She is an ICF ACC Coach and holds a diploma in Coaching Supervision.
Date: Thursday, 7th April 2016
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
HK$125 for HKICC Members,
HK$250 for Guests
*This session will not count towards ICF CCEU’s or ICF mentor coaching hours.
*Registration and pre-payment required (Payment cannot be accepted on the day)